According to wikipedia:
In Greek mythology, Geras /ˈdʒɪərəs/ (Ancient Greek: Γῆρας, romanized: Gễras), also written Gēras, was the god of old age. He was depicted as a tiny, shriveled old man. Gēras’s opposite was Hebe, the goddess of youth. His Roman equivalent was Senectus. He is known primarily from vase depictions that show him with the hero Heracles; the mythic story that inspired these depictions has been lost.
According to Hesiod, Geras was a son of Nyx.[3]
ゲーラス(古希: Γῆρας, Gēras, 老年の意)は、ギリシア神話に登場する原初の神で、老年の神である。ゲーラスはギリシア語で略奪、戦いの褒章も意味する。長母音を省略してゲラスとも表記される。ローマ神話のセネクトゥス (Senectus) に相当する。
According to Cambridge Dictionary, shriveled adjective US(UK shrivelled)
us /ˈʃrɪv.əld/uk /ˈʃrɪv.əld/: dry, smaller than normal, and covered with lines as if by crushing or folding:
According to Oxford Languages, shrivel /ˈʃrɪv(ə)l/: wrinkle and contract or cause to wrinkle and contract, especially due to loss of moisture.