
pulverizeの説明に pollen「花粉」が出てきたので、追加の説明をします。


pollen (n.)

1760 as a botanical term for the fine, yellowish dust that is the fertilizing element of flowers (from Linnæus, 1751), earlier “fine flour” (1520s), from Latin pollen “mill dust; fine flour,” which is related to polenta “peeled barley,” and probably to Greek poltos “pap, porridge,” and Sanskrit pálalam “ground seeds,” but the ultimate origin is uncertain.


polenta (n.)

Old English polente, “a kind of barley meal,” from Latin pollenta, polenta, literally “peeled barley,” related to pollen “powder, fine flour” (see pollen), but the ultimate origin is uncertain. English later reborrowed it 19c. from Italian polenta (from the Latin word) for “porridge made of corn (maize),” a principal food in northern Italy, originally made from chestnut meal.

古英語のpolenta, 「大麦の食べ物」の一種とあります。ラテン語のpollenta, polentaは「皮をむいた大麦」で、powder, fine flourを意味するpollenと関係がある。イタリア語のpolentaは、「コーンから作られたおかゆ」で、北イタリアの主要な食べ物のようです。
