
According to Wikipedia,

キュクロープス古代ギリシャ語: Κύκλωψ、Kýklōps)は、ギリシア神話に登場する卓越した鍛冶技術を持つ単眼の巨人であり、下級である一族である。あるいは、これを下敷き及びベースとして後世に誕生した伝説の生物をも指す。

長母音を省略してキュクロプスとも表記される。英語読みのサイクロプス (Cyclopsでも知られる。

In Greek mythology and later Roman mythology, the Cyclopes (/saɪˈkloʊpiːz/sy-KLOH-peez; Greek: Κύκλωπες, Kýklōpes, “Circle-eyes” or “Round-eyes”;[1] singular Cyclops/ˈsaɪklɒps/SY-klops; Κύκλωψ, Kýklōps) are giant one-eyed creatures.[2] Three groups of Cyclopes can be distinguished. In Hesiod‘s Theogony, the Cyclopes are the three brothers Brontes, Steropes, and Arges, who made for Zeus his weapon the thunderbolt.

For the ancient Greeks the name “Cyclopes” meant “Circle-eyes” or “Round-eyes”,[116] derived from the Greek kúklos (“circle”)[117] and ops (“eye”).

Hesiod, in the Theogony (c. 700 BC), described three Cyclopes: Brontes, Steropes, and Arges, who were the sons of Uranus (Sky) and Gaia (Earth), and the brothers of the Titans and Hundred-Handers, and who had a single eye set in the middle of their foreheads.

