
According to Wikipedia,

In Greek mythology, the Titans (Ancient Greek: οἱ Τῑτᾶνες, hoi Tītânes, singular: ὁ Τῑτᾱ́ν, -ήν, ho Tītân) were the pre-Olympian gods.[1] According to the Theogony of Hesiod, they were the twelve children of the primordial parents Uranus (Sky) and Gaia (Earth), with six male Titans—Oceanus, Coeus, Crius, Hyperion, Iapetus, and Cronus—and six female Titans, called the Titanides or “Titanesses” (αἱ Τῑτᾱνῐ́δες, hai Tītānídes)—Theia, Rhea, Themis, Mnemosyne, Phoebe, and Tethys. Cronus mated with his older sister Rhea, who then bore the first generation of Olympians: the six siblings Zeus, Hades, Poseidon, Hestia, Demeter, and Hera. Certain descendants of the Titans, such as Prometheus, Helios, and Leto, are sometimes also called Titans.


ティーターン古希: Τιτάν, Tītān)は、ギリシア神話ローマ神話に登場する神々である。ウーラノス(天)の王権を簒奪したクロノスを始め、オリュンポスの神々に先行する古の神々である。巨大な体を持つとされる。








According to Wikipedia,

キュクロープス古代ギリシャ語: Κύκλωψ、Kýklōps)は、ギリシア神話に登場する卓越した鍛冶技術を持つ単眼の巨人であり、下級である一族である。あるいは、これを下敷き及びベースとして後世に誕生した伝説の生物をも指す。

長母音を省略してキュクロプスとも表記される。英語読みのサイクロプス (Cyclopsでも知られる。

In Greek mythology and later Roman mythology, the Cyclopes (/saɪˈkloʊpiːz/sy-KLOH-peez; Greek: Κύκλωπες, Kýklōpes, “Circle-eyes” or “Round-eyes”;[1] singular Cyclops/ˈsaɪklɒps/SY-klops; Κύκλωψ, Kýklōps) are giant one-eyed creatures.[2] Three groups of Cyclopes can be distinguished. In Hesiod‘s Theogony, the Cyclopes are the three brothers Brontes, Steropes, and Arges, who made for Zeus his weapon the thunderbolt.

For the ancient Greeks the name “Cyclopes” meant “Circle-eyes” or “Round-eyes”,[116] derived from the Greek kúklos (“circle”)[117] and ops (“eye”).

Hesiod, in the Theogony (c. 700 BC), described three Cyclopes: Brontes, Steropes, and Arges, who were the sons of Uranus (Sky) and Gaia (Earth), and the brothers of the Titans and Hundred-Handers, and who had a single eye set in the middle of their foreheads.



According to wikipedia:

In Greek mythology, Gaia (/ˈɡeɪə, ˈɡaɪə/;[2] from Ancient Greek Γαῖα, a poetical form of Γῆ , ‘land’ or ‘earth’),[3] also spelled Gaea/ˈdʒiːə/,[2] is the personification of the Earth[4] and one of the Greek primordial deities. Gaia is the ancestral mother—sometimes parthenogenic—of all life. She is the mother of Uranus (the sky), from whose sexual union she bore the Titans (themselves parents of many of the Olympian gods), the Cyclopes, and the Giants; as well as of Pontus (the sea), from whose union she bore the primordial sea gods. Her equivalent in the Roman pantheon was Terra.


ガイアは、ギリシャ神話で、第一世代、「大地の神」です。宇宙に何もない混沌とした状態、カオス(chaos)から生まれたとされています。どうやら、ガイアが神々を生んだようです。神話の神は、deityです。神々は、deities, になります。

pantheon: a group of deities.

Parthenogenesis (/ˌpɑːrθɪnoʊˈdʒɛnɪsɪs, -θɪnə-/;[1][2] from the Greek παρθένος, parthénos, ‘virgin’ + γένεσις, génesis, ‘creation’[3]) is a natural form of asexual reproduction in which growth and development of embryos occur in a gamete (egg or sperm) without combining with another gamete (e.g., egg and sperm fusing).[4] In animals, parthenogenesis means development of an embryo from an unfertilized egg cell. In plants, parthenogenesis is a component process of apomixis. In algae, parthenogenesis can mean the development of an embryo from either an individual sperm or an individual egg. (from wikipedia)


In Greek mythology, Uranus (/ˈjʊərənəs, jʊˈreɪnəs/ (listen) YOOR-ə-nəs, yoo-RAY-nəs),[3] sometimes written Ouranos (Ancient Greek: Οὐρανός, lit.sky‘, [uːranós]), is the personification of the sky and one of the Greek primordial deities. According to Hesiod, Uranus was the son and husband of Gaia (Earth), with whom he fathered the first generation of Titans. However, no cult addressed directly to Uranus survived into Classical times,[4] and Uranus does not appear among the usual themes of Greek painted pottery. Elemental Earth, Sky, and Styx might be joined, however, in solemn invocation in Homeric epic.[5] Uranus is associated with the Roman god Caelus and the Jewish god Yahweh.



pulverizeの説明に pollen「花粉」が出てきたので、追加の説明をします。


pollen (n.)

1760 as a botanical term for the fine, yellowish dust that is the fertilizing element of flowers (from Linnæus, 1751), earlier “fine flour” (1520s), from Latin pollen “mill dust; fine flour,” which is related to polenta “peeled barley,” and probably to Greek poltos “pap, porridge,” and Sanskrit pálalam “ground seeds,” but the ultimate origin is uncertain.


polenta (n.)

Old English polente, “a kind of barley meal,” from Latin pollenta, polenta, literally “peeled barley,” related to pollen “powder, fine flour” (see pollen), but the ultimate origin is uncertain. English later reborrowed it 19c. from Italian polenta (from the Latin word) for “porridge made of corn (maize),” a principal food in northern Italy, originally made from chestnut meal.

古英語のpolenta, 「大麦の食べ物」の一種とあります。ラテン語のpollenta, polentaは「皮をむいた大麦」で、powder, fine flourを意味するpollenと関係がある。イタリア語のpolentaは、「コーンから作られたおかゆ」で、北イタリアの主要な食べ物のようです。


pulverize 「粉砕する、粉々にする、やっつける」が、なかなか覚えられなくて、辞書を引いては忘れまた調べては忘れ、を繰り返していました。それで、etymology,語源を調べたんです。

etymonline.com にこうあります。

pulverize (v.)

early 15c., pulverisen, “reduce to powder or dust,” from Late Latin pulverizare “reduce to powder or dust,” from Latin pulvis (genitive pulveris) “dust, powder,” which perhaps is related to Latin pollen “mill dust; fine flour” (and thus the other words under pollen), but de Vaan and others find that “the semantic connection of ‘dust’ with ‘chaff’ is uncompelling” because flour and chaff “are each other’s opposite when processing grain. Of course, via a primary meaning ‘to grind’ or ‘fine dust’, they may be connected.” Figurative sense of “break down, demolish” is by 1630s. Related: Pulverized; pulverizing; pulverizable.

ラテン語のpulvis が「粉」なんで、pulverize「粉になるまで細かくする」なんだと分かり、納得しました。それからずっと、忘れることはありません。

Lunar eclipse



lunar (adj.)early 15c., “crescent-shaped;” 1620s, “pertaining to the moon,” from Old French lunaire (15c.), from Latin lunaris “of the moon,” from luna “moon”


eclipse (n.)

Origin and meaning of eclipse

c. 1300, from Old French eclipse “eclipse, darkness” (12c.), from Latin eclipsis, from Greek ekleipsis “an eclipse; an abandonment,” literally “a failing, forsaking,” from ekleipein “to forsake a usual place, fail to appear, be eclipsed,” from ek “out” (see ex-) + leipein “to leave”


lunar eclipseは、月がいつもの場所から出ていくこと、「月食」。



すべての部分が本影(地球によって太陽が完全に隠された部分)に入る場合を皆既月食(total eclipse)、一部分だけが本影に入る場合を部分月食(partial eclipse)という。

月が半影(地球が太陽の一部を隠している部分)に入った状態は半影食(もしくは半影月食、penumbral eclipse)と呼ばれる




umbrella は、皆さん知っての通り、雨や強い日光を避けるための「傘」です。



umbrella (n.)“hand-held portable canopy which opens and folds,” c. 1600, first attested in Donne’s letters, from Italian ombrello, from Late Latin umbrella, altered (by influence of umbra) from Latin umbella “sunshade, parasol,” diminutive of umbra “shade, shadow”

ラテン語の”umbra”「影」が語源のようです。diminutive of umbraなんで、小陰ですね。

Lunar eclipseの記事を読んでいたら、penumbra「半影」、umbra「本影」が出てきて、それらの語源を調べると、umbrellaも仲間だと分かりました。

American English


identify —> idenify と発音する

identification —> idenification

twenty —> tweni

wanted —> wanid

want another —> wan another (one anotherと音が同じ)

want a, want to —> wanna



liveabout.com によると、

The word “orchestra” was used to describe the place where musicians and dancers performed in ancient Greece. The orchestra, or symphony orchestra, is generally defined as an ensemble mainly composing of bowed stringed instruments, percussion, wind and brass instruments. Often, the orchestra is composed of 100 musicians and may be accompanied by a chorus or be purely instrumental. In today’s setting, the word “orchestra” not only pertains to a group of musicians but also to the main floor of a theater.

ついでに、Oxford languagesによると、


early 17th century: via Latin from Greek orkhēstra, from orkheisthai ‘to dance’. とあるので、元は「おどる」という意味だったようです


orchestrate /ˈɔːkɪstreɪt/ verb

1. arrange or score (music) for orchestral performance. Synonym:arrange

2. plan or coordinate the elements of (a situation) to produce a desired effect, especially surreptitiously. Synonym: organize


orchestration /ɔːkɪˈstreɪʃ(ə)n/ noun

1. the arrangement or scoring of music for orchestral performance.”Prokofiev’s mastery of orchestration”

2. the planning or coordination of the elements of a situation to produce a desired effect, especially surreptitiously.”the orchestration of the campaign needed tightening”